About Us
Hockey is all about time and space. Time to make a play and space to make a play in. Skating remains one of the most essential hockey skills to create time and space. Our curriculum works in a progression teaching forward skating, backward skating, edge work, transitions, and explosive starts in a step by step format. Our skating curriculum expands then to include hockey skating skills with puck control and body contact. Players will be challenged to reach the next level.
Hockey is the greatest game on Earth. The lessons learned from Hockey parallel into the real world. It is such a great teaching opportunity both for players and parents. It teaches, toughness, discipline, structure, how to win, how to lose, how to pay the price, and that there are no short cuts. Hockey creates life long relationships and we want to create a positive experience for every player.
“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”